Sunday, November 24, 2013

Find out how God is good and how I have fallen more in love with Lamka this week.

God was good this week and I would just like to tell you why.

God was good even during this crazy week
As you know I asked for prayer for the Covenant team that was coming to visit this week. They came as a vision trip to see how Covenant can help more in India, but also as a time to bring nurses to run a health camps in different villages. I’ll just summarize it.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the team did health camps in the villages. Thursday and Friday I tagged along to help out wherever, but Saturday I was too busy preparing for some drum stuff and exams next week for my students. Anyways, the days I did get to go the villages were incredible! Okay.. minus the 6 hours of driving on a bumpy road in the back of a car. But when we finally got to the villages they were beautiful. They were just past the village Tuivel I stayed in last month for a couple days, so they were very cool. The ladies did the program teaching about health and wellness, while us men got to tour the villages and talk to the other men from the village.

God was good because the unexpected He expected

The amazing thing is as we did these camps the people didn’t really seem to be there for the medicine or the speeches or the skits, these people wanted love. You might be thinking well…. Love doesn’t heal you from a sickness if they had one?! Well that’s where you are wrong; Jesus love is what these people needed. It could heal them from their broken identities and struggles they had. The team from Covenant wasn’t just trying to help the physical needs the villagers had, but the most important thing I think the team helped with was they DAILY shared Jesus love to people that needed that more than anyone. The Covenant women showed Jesus’ love by listening to the womens and childrens hurts and pains, while giving meaningful support. And the Covenant men gave Jesus’ love by talking to the village men and trying to find out what needs they had and why. God was doing much more than just meeting physical needs by this trip, He was meeting a need of love, that us from Covenant were more than happy to give since Christ has loved us so much! God knew what these people needed, He knew the unexpected. I am so glad I got to be there and be a part of it.

God was good because He blessed us this Sabbath
Today on Sunday was a day full of worship, worship, worship. Which is really how every Sabbath should be spent! We went to three church services throughout the day. The FIRST was Bethel church which is a church Covenant helped plant last year so it was nice to visit there and see how they had tripled in numbers! So awesome. SECOND we got to a Hindu area an hour from Lamka where Covenant just helped plant a church. We got to wear those awesome skirt outfits (Maite tribe cultural dress in the picture) which was really fun and an experience I’ll never forget! Christians couldn’t even go here a couple years ago and today we got to sit there and open a church right in the middle of this area. God is moving. THIRD we got to take the team back to Rayburn and they got to visit Khen’s main church. It was a great time of worship and sermons.

God is good because He gives us people that are blessings
This Sunday night at Rayburn was especially special for me though tonight. I got to do a little drum show for the Covenant team and Rayburn church (It’ll be on facebook soon!). The hostel boys and I all showed off our talents in a little drum medley which was one of the main highlights of the WHOLE TRIP! It wasn’t just special because the drum students played good, it’s because I got to see them enjoy themselves and finally get to play in front of people and really have fun together. It is so cool to know that I and they together worked hard and now they can call themselves “Drummers”. It is something I think they will be proud of for the rest of their lives. The smiles on their faces as the crowd roared with excitement took my breath away. Those boys are special kids.

God is good because He breaks barriers
This Sunday was such a special day I’ll never forget as long as I live. Not because I had to wear a skirt to church or a pink vest… but because I got to share my whole day worshiping the Lord morning till night. I got to pray and sing and play drums and praise with my brothers and sisters half way across the world! I was born in Florida in the USA so how does it make any sense that I can sit here in India and enjoy my day more than ever before?! Its only because I have a God that can give me the best most exciting, tiring, challenging, and crazy awesome week… and end it with a Sunday that is just beyond words. My God is good.

God is good because He gives us things to be thankful for
I want to thank those people that made this week so amazing.
1.Thank you Covenant team for letting me tag along and challenging me so much this week! You guys have been such a blessing to be around. You guys have really seen some things here that make me excited for Manipur's future and  solidified how much I love this place. You have really opened my eyes to some needs here but also agreed with lots of the reasons I love Lamka! God bless yall.
2. Thank you Indian brothers and sisters in Christ that may never read this but thank you for letting me take part in your worshiping today and for being so welcoming and loving.
3. Most importantly thank you to the big man… thank you God for giving me a day that I can worship with American and Indian brothers and sisters in three services. I thank you for a God that no matter the cultural or language barriers, you reign forever and are more powerful than anything. Thank you God.

God is good because He gave me YOU
You don’t know but everyone that is reading this has been such a blessing to me. The support and prayers are so very appreciated. You guys are rad.

God is good because He gave us photography
One other highlight of this week was getting to love on some kids in Suangdoh village. I was goofy with them and took like 1000000000 pictures.. Here are a few below.

Doing check ups

This girl was so precious.

That it the church we helped dedicate behind me. I am definitely starting this fashion trend in Florida.

Hey look its Jesus!

This kid was a model.

Everyone got a toothbrush and soap.

Goof balls.

Cutie. Her laugh was so cuteeeeeeeeee.

This kid told me he was so happy and started to tear up when he got his soap.

Lots of laughs with the kids.

Basically my day all day Friday. Goofing around with the kids.

Watching the doctors.

The dudes.

Rayburn praying over their safe trip back.

Some of my drum students and performers.

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